Cling to Hope in the Midst of Difficulties

Cling to Hope in the Midst of Difficulties – Luke 6:23

In Luke 6:23, Jesus tells his followers, “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven.” This verse comes from Christ’s famous Sermon on the Mount where he taught the crowds how to live as citizens of God’s kingdom. After pronouncing blessings on the poor, hungry and persecuted, Jesus reminds them to rejoice in suffering and cling to hope.

When facing trials, it’s difficult to feel joy. But Jesus promises our present suffering leads to eternal glory. If we press on, a reward awaits that outweighs any earthly pain.

Contents: Cling to hope

Cling to Hope

cling to hope - Encounter with Jesus after death
cling to hope – Encounter with Jesus after death

The Heavenly Reward

What is this reward Jesus mentions? As Christ-followers, our hope is set on heaven and life everlasting with God. When this life ends, we will experience a joy beyond anything we can imagine.

Paul describes heaven as what “no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). We will be in the presence of our Creator, with no more tears, pain or suffering.

This hope allows us to endure any temporary trial with eyes fixed on eternity. Today’s problems are fleeting, but heaven’s joys will last forever.

Seek Heavenly Riches

Jesus urges us to seek heavenly riches, not earthly ones. The world tempts us to pursue money, possessions, fame and status. But these cannot satisfy our souls or grant true peace.

We must invest in God’s eternal kingdom. This means cultivating virtues like love, justice, compassion, and service to others. When we live this way, we store up a treasure in heaven that endures.

Stand Firm in Faith

Sometimes the narrow path of faith seems foolish in the world’s eyes. But Jesus tells us to stand confident in Him, especially when facing opposition.

We must remember Christ already won the ultimate victory over sin and death. We can endure momentary sufferings because the hope of resurrection lives within us. Our Savior is preparing a place for us in the Father’s house.

cling to hope - looking forward with our faith
cling to hope – looking forward with our faith

Eyes on Eternity

When absorbed by present woes, it’s easy to lose sight of what awaits us. But Jesus gently reminds us, “Lift up your eyes, your redemption draws near.” This fallen world is not our final home.

Today’s circumstances cannot compare with the blessings to come. Rejoice! Live with eyes fixed on eternity. Walk the narrow road, even if it leads through hardship. Take heart, my child. Your joy will be made complete.

Personal Application

We all face difficult situations that can tempt us to lose hope: health problems, the loss of a loved one, broken relationships, financial troubles, and more. How can we cling to Christ’s promise in our pain?

First, acknowledge your current trials are temporary. However dark the tunnel, it will end. Compare it to the eternal perspective of forever with God.

Seek support from your Christian community. God’s people are meant to carry burdens together. You don’t need to suffer alone. Others who have faced trials can encourage you with their experience.

Cling to the hope of future glory. Think of what awaits you in Jesus’ presence. Praise God in the adversity, trusting He will work all things for good.

And don’t forget to help others going through hardship, so they too can have hope. As Paul said, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

cling to hope - New day
cling to hope – New day

Professional Application

In our work lives, we also experience disappointment and apparent failure. Perhaps you have lost a job, a business failed, you were passed up for promotion, or faced conflict with colleagues. How can you maintain a hope-filled mindset?

Recognize God as your ultimate provider. If one door closes, trust He will open another. Keep looking for opportunities while persevering in prayer.

Examine your motivations. Worldly success and financial gain should not be the primary focus. Seek to impact lives, solve problems, and glorify God.

Surround yourself with positive, purpose-driven colleagues – not just ladder climbers. Together you can support each other in living out strong values. Be careful not to compromise ethics in the pursuit of goals.

Learn from failure to improve. Don’t be discouraged from trying again. With a growth mindset, you will develop resilience to overcome obstacles.

Most importantly, live out the mission God has called you to with passion. Work with excellence as an offering to Him. The fruits will be abundant if you do not lose heart.

May Christ’s message of hope propel you both personally and professionally. Today’s difficulties cannot compare to the glory yet to come. Press on with joy!

Applying Hope in Real Life

How can we practically apply clinging to eternal hope amid earthly troubles? Here are some examples in personal and professional contexts:

Personal Life

  • After a cancer diagnosis, focusing on the fact that our lives are in God’s hands for all eternity.
  • When struggling with infertility, remembering that our true hope is in heavenly family.
  • When facing marital strife, recalling that human marriages are temporary compared to forever with Christ.
  • In grief after losing a loved one, taking comfort knowing we will reunite for eternity.
  • When overwhelmed by financial stress, focusing on storing up eternal treasures rather than earthly ones.

Professional Life

  • After a demotion at work, realizing your identity and value is in Christ rather than career status.
  • When passed over for a promotion, remembering that God rewards faithfulness, not worldly accolades.
  • When facing ethical compromises, adhering to biblical principles regardless of earthly consequences.
  • If asked to violate your conscience, taking courage from the eternal reward.
  • When investing, focusing on funding kingdom work rather than solely accumulating wealth.

In all aspects of life, clinging to our eternal hope empowers us to endure temporary trials. Fixing our eyes on Jesus and the joy set before us gives strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.

Cling to Hope youtube video

Source Youtube Channel

Conclusion: Keep Your Eyes on Eternity

Life is filled with ups and downs. When facing periods of hardship and despair, it can be far too easy to fixation on our current troubles. The pain, confusion, and heartache of the moment can cloud our vision.

But Jesus gently reminds us to lift up our eyes from the storms of today and look to the eternal horizon. This world is not our final destination. We are promised an inheritance in heaven free from all tears, mourning, and pain.

Though the trials of this life are many, they are light and momentary in view of the joy set before us. We must cling to Christ’s promise that our reward in heaven is great. Our redemption is drawing near.

So take courage, my friend. You may have to walk through dark valleys that seem overwhelming in the present. But remember they are leading you through the narrow gate to abundant life. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith.

One day the struggles of this world will be over. But the riches of our heavenly home will never fade away. Until that glorious day, run this race with perseverance and hope. God will wipe away every tear and make all things new.

I pray these reflections on Luke 6:23 have encouraged you to maintain an eternal perspective amid earthly troubles. Please share additional thoughts and insights in the comments below. Let’s encourage each other to cling to hope until the day our faith becomes sight!

And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog and follow us on social media for more articles reminding you to walk by faith in the light of eternity. Together we can gain strength for the journey. The best is yet to come!

I hope these reflections on Luke 6:23 have provided encouragement. Share your thoughts in the comments below! And be sure to subscribe to receive future articles to help you cling to hope through any of life’s trials.

FAQ on the concept of clinging to Eternal hope amid earthly trials

Why should I focus on heaven when going through difficulties?

Keeping an eternal perspective allows us to persevere by reminding us that our current troubles are temporary compared to the joys of heaven. It provides hope and courage to endure.

Isn’t ignoring my problems just wishful thinking?

We should never ignore real problems or pretend to be happy when suffering. However, focusing on eternity does not minimize earthly troubles; it helps us bear them by giving us strength, resilience, and a trust in God’s greater purpose.

How will keeping my eyes on heaven help me practically?

It gives us patience to keep trying, motivates us to invest in eternal rewards, helps us let go of temporary losses, allows us to forgive others, provides comfort in grief, and gives us power to withstand temptation and discouragement.

Why does being rewarded in heaven matter when I’m struggling now?

The promise of heavenly reward gives us incentive in this life to walk faithfully with God, even when it requires self-denial. It helps us choose eternal gains rather than short-term, worldly successes.

How can I cultivate a more eternal perspective?

Set your mind on things above through Bible study, prayer, worship, and fellowship with other believers. Limit consumption of worldly entertainment/media. Invest time and resources into serving God and building His Kingdom.

If my happiness comes from heaven, can I still find joy on earth?

Absolutely! An eternal perspective actually empowers us to appreciate everyday blessings as gifts from God. We can experience profound joy and purpose when we live each day for Christ.

What if focusing on heaven makes me detached from the world’s problems?

Our hope for eternity and responsibility in this life are balanced. While looking to heaven, we must actively love and serve others, right wrongs, and take care of God’s creation.

How can I encourage others to cling to eternal hope?

Share Scriptures on heaven, testify how this perspective has empowered your life, point them to the work of Christ, pray with and for them, provide practical support, and remind them their identity is in Christ.

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